Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Automotive Motorcycle Modif Motor
Hasil modifikasi mio sporti tampil di kontes dengan merebut beberapa juara di berbagai event, spesifikasi modif : Ban depan 120/14, Ban Belakang 140/14, Rem Cakram belakan double Disc kanan - kiri, seluruh body original di ganti full custom, cover crangkas brembo, consul box, spion custom, cover dop, handle adjustable
Modifikasi Jupiter Z-CW
JAMBI – Lagi-lagi club Automotive Motor Modifikasi Jambi (AM2J) menggebrak dunia modifikasi Kota Beradat. Setelah ‘bermain-main’ dengan takometer, kali ini Havis D Rasidin berhasil menyandingkan kaburator pada motor miliknya.
Pada bagian atas mesin, Havis memasangi 8 kaburator RX King di bagian kiri dan 8 kaburator lain di bagian kanan. Sementara di tengah-tengahnya, ia memasang tabung dan kaburator mobil kijang.
Bukan itu saja, pada bagian kepala motor, Havis masih memakai 3 buah takometer. “Bagian kepala ada 3 takometer,” jelasnya.
Meski bagian-bagian lain ikut dimodif, agaknya Havis tak bisa lepas dari ‘bayang-bayang’ ciri khas AM2J. ‘Bermain-main’ dengan takometer. “Saya dimanajeri oleh Ketua,” ujarnya menyebut Faiz.
Motor Jupiter Z hasil modifikasi Havis ini, ternyata meraih juara ke 2, kelas Yamaha Series pada event minggu lalu. Menurut Havis, kemenangan itu masih diragukannya mengingat ia dimasukkan ke dalam kelas yang salah. “Salah juri sendiri menaruh saya di kelas yang bukan air brush,” ungkapnya singkat.
Dan memang, motor milik Havis ini juga memakai pengecatan teknik air brush. Dengan pola-pola bertemakan realis, warna oranye, dia berhasil menciptakan suasana cerah pada Jupiter Z miliknya.
Selain itu, Havis termasuk pengedara yang taat peraturan lalu lintas. Terbukti, pada bagian stangnya, ia memasangi sepasang spion. “Spion ini dari lampu sepeda unta,” jelasnya seraya tertawa.
Sementara pada bagian ban, sambungnya, Havis memakai standar motor-motor ceper lain. Hanya saja untuk ban depan, dia menyadur teknik velg terbaru dan mulai tren saat sekarang, velg hubles (velg tanpa jari-jari).
Untuk memperoleh bentuk seperti sekarang, Havis terpaksa merogoh kocek senilai lebih kurang Rp 3 juta. Dan proses modifikasi hanya memakan waktu 3 hari! Mengenai ini, Havis mengemukakan alasan kenapa bisa secepat itu proses modifikasi motor miliknya.
“Kami dikasih waktu seminggu untuk modif waktu kontes kemarin. Jadinya terpaksa bawa ke Palembang supaya bisa modif dengan cepat,” tandas Havis sambil menyebutkan nama bengkel di Palembang tersebut
Modifikasi Motor Jupiter Mx
Yamaha Jupiter MX adalah salah satu tipe bebek sport yang hadir di Indonesia. Tampangnya yang sporty dan mesin 135 cc yang memakai pendingin air (radiator) dan juga kopling menjadikan salah satu tipe motor bebek yang paling laku saat ini.
Tampangnya yang sporty masih bisa dirubah atau dimodifikasi agar tampil lebih sporty saya ambil beberapa foto dari beberapa website tentang modifikasi Jupiter Mx
Tampangnya yang sporty masih bisa dirubah atau dimodifikasi agar tampil lebih sporty saya ambil beberapa foto dari beberapa website tentang modifikasi Jupiter Mx
Djarum Black Motodify 2008 Palembang
Tampil sebagai pemenang kategori The Hottest Airbrush Realis dalam Djarum Black Palembang (26-27/04) kemarin rupanya tak lantas membuat sang owner, Aditya (28) puas dengan hasil yang sudah diperoleh. Keinginan untuk mengubah tampilan sang Honda Grand C800 ini justru semakin terlintas meski karyanya sudah diakui sebagai yang terbaik. Hal ini tak lain disebabkan karena sang owner merasa belum maksimal dalam menunjukan seni goresan full realis yang diterapkan di setiap jengkal sudut motor warisan ayahnya ini.
“Sebenernya sih kita masih merasa kurang maksimal aja dalam menunjukkan sentuhan airbrush realis yang ga cuman di luar saja tetapi juga sebenernya sampai ke sudut-sudut dalam mas, rencana sih tahun depan kita bakal bikin bodynya ini bisa terbuka sehingga karya airbrush yang ada di dalam bisa kelihatan,” tukas Aditya di akhir acara.
Berawal dari keinginannya untuk melestarikan motor warisan ayahnya ini, Aditya memutuskan untuk membuatnya beda dan lebih masa kini. Dengan trend airbrush yang saat ini sedang digemari di kota Palembang, Aditya memutuskan untuk memberi sentuhan seni bernilai tinggi dalam tunggangan Honda lansiran tahun 84-nya ini. Dan yap dengan mengusung konsep ‘kehidupan neraka’, Aditya dengan motor warisannya ini berhasil menyabet gelar sebagai The Hottest Realist Airbrush di ajang kontes Djarum Black Motodify 2008 seri kedua di kota Palembang.
“Ide awal membuat konsep neraka ini karena kita melihat kebanyakan airbrush realis cenderung banyak menampilkan nuansa surga seperti malaikat dan sebagainya. Ya makanya biar beda kita buat konsep bernuansa kehidupan neraka, dan selain itu biar agak seram juga sih,” ujar Aditya sedikit menambahkan. Projek yang menghabiskan kocek sekitar 7 jutaan ini rupanya tidak menghentikan niat Adit untuk berhenti sampai disini. Aditya sebelumnya pun memang sudah memiliki niat untuk melakukan rombakan pada body dan bagian bagian tertutup lain, agar karya realisnya bisa lebih dinikmati oleh orang banyak.
“Sebenernya sih kita masih merasa kurang maksimal aja dalam menunjukkan sentuhan airbrush realis yang ga cuman di luar saja tetapi juga sebenernya sampai ke sudut-sudut dalam mas, rencana sih tahun depan kita bakal bikin bodynya ini bisa terbuka sehingga karya airbrush yang ada di dalam bisa kelihatan,” tukas Aditya di akhir acara.
Well, kreasi yang membutuhkan waktu satu setengah tahun sebelum diikutsertakan dalam kontes Motodify ini memang menampilkan seni realis yang tidak tanggung-tanggung. Detail sapuan airbrush bernuansa “kehidupan neraka” ini memang sangat rinci dan rapih hingga jika melongok ke bidang dalam spakbor, mesin dan chasis, pemetaaan konsep pun terskema penuh secara hampir menyeluruh.
Berawal dari keinginannya untuk melestarikan motor warisan ayahnya ini, Aditya memutuskan untuk membuatnya beda dan lebih masa kini. Dengan trend airbrush yang saat ini sedang digemari di kota Palembang, Aditya memutuskan untuk memberi sentuhan seni bernilai tinggi dalam tunggangan Honda lansiran tahun 84-nya ini. Dan yap dengan mengusung konsep ‘kehidupan neraka’, Aditya dengan motor warisannya ini berhasil menyabet gelar sebagai The Hottest Realist Airbrush di ajang kontes Djarum Black Motodify 2008 seri kedua di kota Palembang.
“Ide awal membuat konsep neraka ini karena kita melihat kebanyakan airbrush realis cenderung banyak menampilkan nuansa surga seperti malaikat dan sebagainya. Ya makanya biar beda kita buat konsep bernuansa kehidupan neraka, dan selain itu biar agak seram juga sih,” ujar Aditya sedikit menambahkan. Projek yang menghabiskan kocek sekitar 7 jutaan ini rupanya tidak menghentikan niat Adit untuk berhenti sampai disini. Aditya sebelumnya pun memang sudah memiliki niat untuk melakukan rombakan pada body dan bagian bagian tertutup lain, agar karya realisnya bisa lebih dinikmati oleh orang banyak.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Best Edition Motorcycle Sporty

1983 saw the launch of the Honda VF750F. This was the machine that put Honda on the path of V4 ownership. At the time the engine was a revelation. A 90° liquid cooled V4 engine pushed out an astonishing 86 bhp which gave it the highest top end speed in its class but not only that, it had a remarkable mid range.

When the VF1000R was launched in 19 a four, Honda already had six models in the VF range ranging from 400 to 1000cc. The VF1000R was completely based on the VF750F but without any of the weaknesses of the 750.
The bike looked fantastic with its carbon fibre reinforced full fairing and Honda racing colours. With adjustable polished alloy handlebars and a perfectly streamlined rear seat hump, the look was one of controlled aggression.
41 mm air assisted front forks with adjustable damping and TRAC anti-dive, together with twin floating 285 mm front discs with four pot calipers gave the VF1000R an impressive front end. The full fairing and gave both significant protection from the elements for the rider, and also good stability.

The VF1000R was a limited edition piece of exotica, which whilst technically advanced and sophisticated was still too heavy to fully complete in production racing. However, Honda had committed itself to the V4 format and whilst models to date had been close to being best in class but not quite there, further research and development would result, in 1988, in the RC30 which would sweep all before it.
Top Edition Motorcycle
To begin with, you must ensure that you use manufactured certified after market placement parts when repairing or upgrading your motorcycle. This is one of the most important motorcycle performance tips; it not only ensures that your motorcycle has a longer road life, but that it is safe for use. This is because if you use sub-standard or the incorrect fitting part, they could loosen or quite working altogether and this could be dangerous especially if it happens when you are on the road.
The top tip among the motorcycle performance is using the appropriate exhaust motorcycle system. Most stock exhausts are made to be environment friendly but their performance is restricted. With most after market exhausts systems the muffler in the exhaust motorcycle system is normally changed out for the better. However, while making this changes, the air filter and carburetor jets might need to be fine tuned, which all work together for optimum exhaust motorcycle performance. If you change one and leave the other the same, the complaint is sometimes the motorcycle performance will not be as good and may even reverse any progress made while upgrading your motorcycle specifications. Exhaust motorcycle after market companies will include carburetor jet kits with the purchase of a new pipe system if needed on your model.
Another one of the motorcycle performance tips is that you use the correct fitments of after market chrome wheel for your motorcycle. Most motorcycles were designed for use on dry road condition, but many will use them on all-weather roads and on regular asphalt roads. Therefore, it is vital that you choose wheels that fit your rims that were designed for your motorcycle, and pick the right type for the road conditions that your motorcycle frequents. Sometimes you might need to replace the chrome wheels that are more than 5 years old from cracks so you can save on any future unnecessary repair costs to your bike.
One of the most important bike safety tips is ensuring that your front and back brake lines are in check. You can begin by having regular brake pads change and if possible invest in stainless steel brake line that will not wear out too fast and do not swell when they heat up like the standard edition rubber line that make the brake system soft and rather unreliable. They must also be brakes that can allow you to stop at whatever speed you are riding following these tips along with regular servicing of your machine will ensure top performance, safety, and enjoying the adrenalin rush that comes with riding an optimal performing motorcycle.
An overlooked yet important of these motorcycle performance tips is practice and being fit enough to withstand a long distance trips. A motorcycle will succumb to your weight if you are overweight, so if you wish to have it for a long time, you need to keep fit and maintain average weight so you can also fully enjoy your motorcycle. Another factor while keeping fit is to have regular practice sessions on your motorcycle especially if you normally also use other forms of transport to get around. The best place to perform rider practice is to find a large parking lot and make a course with some type of markers for slow riding technique.
The top tip among the motorcycle performance is using the appropriate exhaust motorcycle system. Most stock exhausts are made to be environment friendly but their performance is restricted. With most after market exhausts systems the muffler in the exhaust motorcycle system is normally changed out for the better. However, while making this changes, the air filter and carburetor jets might need to be fine tuned, which all work together for optimum exhaust motorcycle performance. If you change one and leave the other the same, the complaint is sometimes the motorcycle performance will not be as good and may even reverse any progress made while upgrading your motorcycle specifications. Exhaust motorcycle after market companies will include carburetor jet kits with the purchase of a new pipe system if needed on your model.
Another one of the motorcycle performance tips is that you use the correct fitments of after market chrome wheel for your motorcycle. Most motorcycles were designed for use on dry road condition, but many will use them on all-weather roads and on regular asphalt roads. Therefore, it is vital that you choose wheels that fit your rims that were designed for your motorcycle, and pick the right type for the road conditions that your motorcycle frequents. Sometimes you might need to replace the chrome wheels that are more than 5 years old from cracks so you can save on any future unnecessary repair costs to your bike.
One of the most important bike safety tips is ensuring that your front and back brake lines are in check. You can begin by having regular brake pads change and if possible invest in stainless steel brake line that will not wear out too fast and do not swell when they heat up like the standard edition rubber line that make the brake system soft and rather unreliable. They must also be brakes that can allow you to stop at whatever speed you are riding following these tips along with regular servicing of your machine will ensure top performance, safety, and enjoying the adrenalin rush that comes with riding an optimal performing motorcycle.
An overlooked yet important of these motorcycle performance tips is practice and being fit enough to withstand a long distance trips. A motorcycle will succumb to your weight if you are overweight, so if you wish to have it for a long time, you need to keep fit and maintain average weight so you can also fully enjoy your motorcycle. Another factor while keeping fit is to have regular practice sessions on your motorcycle especially if you normally also use other forms of transport to get around. The best place to perform rider practice is to find a large parking lot and make a course with some type of markers for slow riding technique.
Sporty Motorcycle

The circuit-developed apparatus embraces the actual latest anatomy technology, including awful adult and adjustable abeyance both at the advanced and rear. These abeyance units, adjustable for both aerial and low acceleration compression damping, accord unparalleled levels of ascendancy for the antic addition while alms a plusher than accepted ride on asperous alley surfacesroad surfaces.
A abounding ambit of official accessories are accessible for the Daytona 675SE, giving owners an befalling to personalise both the looks and achievement of their machine. Clue day enthusiasts are able-bodied catered for with a cardinal of accessories, including abundant failing carbon fibre parts, a ‘plug-and-play’ quickshifter set, and admirable race-style rear set footrests and silencers developed in cooperation with Italian chase specialists Arrow Special Parts.
A abounding ambit of official accessories are accessible for the Daytona 675SE, giving owners an befalling to personalise both the looks and achievement of their machine. Clue day enthusiasts are able-bodied catered for with a cardinal of accessories, including abundant failing carbon fibre parts, a ‘plug-and-play’ quickshifter set, and admirable race-style rear set footrests and silencers developed in cooperation with Italian chase specialists Arrow Special Parts.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
We allocution about the BMW K 1300 GT Exclusive Edition, which debuts in contempo canicule by abacus some capacity “Comfort” and “security” on a admission that is already actual complete.Heated grips and saddle, for example, are standard, as are the xenon headlights cruise controlThe onboard computer and alive abeyance adjustment ESA Exclusive Edition II (Electronic Abeyance Adjustment II).
Exclusive Edition amalgamation additionally includes the absorption ascendancy ASC DRC but additionally the adjustment that controls every burning the annoy pressure. Trai additional additionally the top homes from 49 litersObviously corrective in anatomy color.

Nothing new, however, for the four-cylinder. Featuring a actual adjustment of cylinders agee forward, the 1,293 cc delivers Monaco 160 hp at 9,000 rpm and 135 Nm of torque at 8,000 rpm. To admit the new model, accessories apart, aloof stop attractive at backlog area: Classic frieze K1300GT in “relief”, in fact, uses belletrist instead of the acceptable dejected burnished.
The K 1300 GT Exclusive Edition is now accessible at BMW Motorrad dealers. Amalgamation amount is Exclusive Edition Euro 1650. The bike is so able has a account amount of 20,550 euros including aboriginal advertisement ICD.

The K 1300 GT Exclusive Edition has heated grips and seat heating and a xenon headlamp for visibility during night riding. The on-board computer provides travel-related data such as range, outside temperature and average fuel consumption and there is an electronic cruise control function for long stretches of motorway riding. The new special edition touring model from BMW is also equipped with a pannier system and a large 49-litre topcase with common-key lock barrel and lid finished in body colour. The bike is finished in Granite Grey metallic with contrasting trim parts in Granite Grey metallic matt in the area of the fuel tank side fairing and seat side fairing and has a blue type plate.
Exclusive Edition amalgamation additionally includes the absorption ascendancy ASC DRC but additionally the adjustment that controls every burning the annoy pressure. Trai additional additionally the top homes from 49 litersObviously corrective in anatomy color.

Nothing new, however, for the four-cylinder. Featuring a actual adjustment of cylinders agee forward, the 1,293 cc delivers Monaco 160 hp at 9,000 rpm and 135 Nm of torque at 8,000 rpm. To admit the new model, accessories apart, aloof stop attractive at backlog area: Classic frieze K1300GT in “relief”, in fact, uses belletrist instead of the acceptable dejected burnished.
The K 1300 GT Exclusive Edition is now accessible at BMW Motorrad dealers. Amalgamation amount is Exclusive Edition Euro 1650. The bike is so able has a account amount of 20,550 euros including aboriginal advertisement ICD.

The K 1300 GT Exclusive Edition has heated grips and seat heating and a xenon headlamp for visibility during night riding. The on-board computer provides travel-related data such as range, outside temperature and average fuel consumption and there is an electronic cruise control function for long stretches of motorway riding. The new special edition touring model from BMW is also equipped with a pannier system and a large 49-litre topcase with common-key lock barrel and lid finished in body colour. The bike is finished in Granite Grey metallic with contrasting trim parts in Granite Grey metallic matt in the area of the fuel tank side fairing and seat side fairing and has a blue type plate.

The architecture of the NEW DUCATI C12-R SUPERBIKE CONCEPT has taken several iterations, and absolutely started activity out as the C11-R. The Colard C11-R’s best apparent aberration to its almsman is the GP-style bankrupt the exits both in the lower fairing, and beneath the appendage section. Colard has replaced this bureaucracy in the C12-R with a added acceptable Ducati-esque underseat adjustment with dual-cans.
Accenting both designs are added circuitous and vented anatomy panels. Underneath it all you can see afflatus from the 1098, but Colard’s thoughts assume to be added complex, than the simple Ducati lines. The affect on us is that this looks like an about added complete appearance than the original, and thankfully doesn’t booty the archetypal Ducati curve too far, and into the branch of clutter.

Hopping anon to cede a adobe archetypal of the C12-R, Collard’s final aim is to actualize a bound run of his creations. While he doesn’t appetite to adduce exact achievement specs yet, a 200hp motor isn’t out of the equation. The French artist is abiding of one thing, it will be faster and lighter than the accepted 1198.
The project’s ambition amount is €25,000 for a completed bike, which isn’t that abundant added big-ticket than a abject Ducati 1198 (in Europe at least), but Colard wants to accept a €4,000 kit (fairings and bankrupt only) accessible for accepted 1098/1198 owners to acquirement and transform their machine.
Accenting both designs are added circuitous and vented anatomy panels. Underneath it all you can see afflatus from the 1098, but Colard’s thoughts assume to be added complex, than the simple Ducati lines. The affect on us is that this looks like an about added complete appearance than the original, and thankfully doesn’t booty the archetypal Ducati curve too far, and into the branch of clutter.
Hopping anon to cede a adobe archetypal of the C12-R, Collard’s final aim is to actualize a bound run of his creations. While he doesn’t appetite to adduce exact achievement specs yet, a 200hp motor isn’t out of the equation. The French artist is abiding of one thing, it will be faster and lighter than the accepted 1198.
The project’s ambition amount is €25,000 for a completed bike, which isn’t that abundant added big-ticket than a abject Ducati 1198 (in Europe at least), but Colard wants to accept a €4,000 kit (fairings and bankrupt only) accessible for accepted 1098/1198 owners to acquirement and transform their machine.
( 2010 ) NEW HONDA VT750S

( 2010 ) NEW HONDA VT750S
The British analysis of Honda appear today that the New Honda VT750S naked bike is now accessible for purchasing at the company’s motorcycle dealerships beyond the country. Sporting a brownish blah finish,the VT750S is advised to be a acceptable best for riders attractive for added abundance and easier handling. Suitable for motorcyclists of all levels of experience, the VT750S is powered by a liquid-cooled, V-twin of 745cc boasting a PGM-FI fuel-injection system.

In Honda’s opinion, “performance is impressive, with the motor advised to accord optimum achievement in the low to mid-section of the rev-range – aloof area you charge it out on the road.”
The anatomy uses a strong, animate bifold cradle design, while the all-embracing anatomy is ablaze and compact. Rounding off the attending are the 19-inch avant-garde and 16-inch/150mm rear wheels. The appearance is aggressive by the Sportster band of American and the apparatus is ultra reliable and tested, based on 52 ° V-twin with a 3-valve SOHC active and 745 cc displacement, the aforementioned as added Honda 750 custom from which it differs mainly for the final drive, alternation instead of drive shaft.
The bench is placed at 737 mm from the arena and active aspect is added “active” than that ultra adequate models Shadow and Black Spirit , this is not too avant-garde through the pegs and handlebars at the about-face comfortably. The spoked auto are 19 inch avant-garde and 16 inch rear tires 100/90-19 and 150/80-16. The brakes accommodate a avant-garde disc 296 mm dual-piston caliper and rear boom of 180 mm. The blush accessible is alone one: ‘Heavy Gray Metallic’.

In Honda’s opinion, “performance is impressive, with the motor advised to accord optimum achievement in the low to mid-section of the rev-range – aloof area you charge it out on the road.”
The anatomy uses a strong, animate bifold cradle design, while the all-embracing anatomy is ablaze and compact. Rounding off the attending are the 19-inch avant-garde and 16-inch/150mm rear wheels. The appearance is aggressive by the Sportster band of American and the apparatus is ultra reliable and tested, based on 52 ° V-twin with a 3-valve SOHC active and 745 cc displacement, the aforementioned as added Honda 750 custom from which it differs mainly for the final drive, alternation instead of drive shaft.
The bench is placed at 737 mm from the arena and active aspect is added “active” than that ultra adequate models Shadow and Black Spirit , this is not too avant-garde through the pegs and handlebars at the about-face comfortably. The spoked auto are 19 inch avant-garde and 16 inch rear tires 100/90-19 and 150/80-16. The brakes accommodate a avant-garde disc 296 mm dual-piston caliper and rear boom of 180 mm. The blush accessible is alone one: ‘Heavy Gray Metallic’.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
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